When our latest shipment of wild Moroccan Rosemary, cineole variety, arrived, we opened it and at once the air was perfumed with the fresh, purifying, expansive, and perfectly delicious aroma. Distilled from the flowering tops of plants growing wild near Meknes, it is the variety preferred for respiratory blends. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaf oil variety 1.8 Cineole [Prima Fleur No. 203] is distilled from plants abundant in sunny North Africa bordering the Mediterranean. The oil is clear in color, with a strong, expansive scent, a characteristic indication of its high percentage of cineole (typically around 40%). It is quite likely the featured oil in a famous old-world remedy, the Four Thieves Vinegar, which was purported to prevent epidemics. Cineole rosemary blends well with many other essential oils and is particularly beneficial used in massage oils for the body. It is used more often for sinus and respiratory symptoms than for skin care. It is said to be anti-depressant, fortifying, and uplifting. See our other Rosemary essential oils: Corsican Rosemary verbenone [Prima Fleur Nos. 114, 345, 508]. The CO2 Rosemary verbenone and our California-grown and distilled certified organic Rosemary Hydrosol [Nos. 719 and 729] are perfect for mid-life phyto-tonics as well as sluggish, congested skin and teen-problematic skin conditions.
For information on our essential oils and pricing, please visit our website. For questions and to explore custom development with exquisite botanicals from our extensive library of raw materials, please contact sales@primafleur.com ~ or call (415) 455-0957.
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