
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prima Fleur Carrier Oil: ROSE HIP SEED OIL

Certified USDA Organic Rosa mosqueta oil [Prima Fleur No. 433] is a fantastic addition to face and body massages oils and face and body serums. You will also find it in our facial massage oil for dry, aging, and/or menopausal skin. It is one of the best vegetable oils for treating skin that exhibits the effects of environmental damage. Used traditionally to treat scarred, burned, and weathered skin. 
From the mountains of Chile, this naturally extracted organic oil is a complete product in itself having proven therapeutic benefits unlike other vegetable oils. It was first thought the positive regeneration properties of the oil were due to the high level of essential fatty acids: over 45% linoleic acid, 33% linolenic, and 14% oleic acid. Although beneficial to skin, there was more significant regeneration activity credited to trans-retinoic acid, a derivative of retinol (vitamin A).

Some of the most remarkable benefits have been found in treatment of photo-aged skin. While treatment with synthetic forms of Vitamin A produce undesirable side effects, the natural “time-release” properties of Rose Hip Seed Oil eliminate any risks. It is often suggested for treatment of dermatitis and scarring. It is also useful in hair and scalp treatments.

More about Rosehip Seed ~ by Jeanne Rose
Rose Hip Seed oil, FAMILY: Rosaceae and the Common Name: Rosa mosqueta, which is not a recognized species.

Habitat & Growth: Rose Hips are the fruiting (seed-holding) bodies of the Rose that develop after the rose has been fertilized, petals drop off, the hip (uterus) enlarges, and forms seeds. The hips are picked when ripe and are very high in vitamin C. The seed is removed and pressed to extract the oil, which is often deep red (when some of the fleshy hip is left) or clear. It often has a strong, almost fishy odor. 

Properties, Indications & Uses: It has been found to be a very effective skin treatment. Promotes tissue regeneration. Good for scars, burns, and wrinkles. Can be used as-is, or diluted with other vegetable oils and used in blends for skin treatment. 
Ingredients in bold are certified organic. For information on our Premier Products and pricing, please visit our website. For questions and to explore custom development with exquisite botanicals from our extensive library of raw materials, please contact ~ or call (415) 455-0957.


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